enterprise cloud storage


Discover the Secret Sauce to Optimize Cloud Storage for Your Business

Our Trusted Partners

SoftNAS by Buurst is the High Performance Enterprise Cloud solution trusted by over 100 companies worldwide!

Buurst SoftNAS partners

A Data Performance Company

Buurst is disrupting the cloud storage industry with our innovative solution that changes the way you think about your data on the cloud.

Making Data Affordable in the Cloud

Buurst is a trusted provider of high-performance cloud applications, notably a Cloud NAS filer, and cloud data management software called SoftNAS, SoftNAS is a NAS Appliance Virtual Storage Software solution, which allows companies to migrate their data and applications into the cloud without re-engineering.

Our cloud-native NAS, SoftNAS leads the industry in performance while saving significant costs by not double billing cloud storage. With built-in security, major protocol support, and an easy-to-operate lift & shift feature, SoftNAS is not only cost-effective but also proven at the Petabyte scale on AWS, Azure, and VMware.

Halliburton Logo

“Old problems that were blockers before suddenly become obsolete as new capabilities emerge. Partnerships like the one we have with Buurst are really critical to our ability to leverage new capabilities.”

Andy Anglin, Director Cloud Technologies, Halliburton

High-Performance Cloud Storage Solution

SoftNAS is a Linux-based virtual NAS appliance deployed on public and private cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and VMware vSphere. SoftNAS can also run on RHEL if customers prefer it over CentOS. SoftNAS provides unified storage designed and optimized for high performance, higher than normal I/O per second (IOPS), and data reliability and recoverability. It also increases storage efficiency through thin-provisioning, compression, and deduplication.


“SoftNAS has an elegant solution and makes a customer’s life easy. The reliability that SoftNAS products offer, means customers don’t have to get in and mess around with it – saving valuable time and precious resources.”

Rudy Pataro, Founder, MagHub

High Performance Cloud Storage

About Buurst

Buurst is committed to providing the best data performance at the best costs for both On-Prem and Cloud-based Enterprise Storage needs. It’s high-performance and highly resilient Storage product, SoftNAS®, provides the most cost effective Storage solution for the Enterprise. SoftNAS® is known for its high performance, reliability, and scalability, as well as its ability to reduce the cost of on-prem and Cloud data storage through deduplication and compression. Its performance for heavy Database and ML/AI workloads is at the top of the Storage industry.

Customer Success Stories

See why customers trust Buurst for their data management.

High Radius

HighRadius needed to provide customers high availability for cloud storage…

CMG Financial

How CMG Financial uses Buurst to deliver cloud files and storage services…

US Signal

US Signal found easy integration, allowing quickly migration of data and 80% cost…

Stay Up to Date with Buurst 

eBooks & Whitepapers

Check out our great resources about our Buurst products.

The Hidden Cost of Cloud Storage

Your data is doubling every two years, and so are storage requirements. In this eBook, we’ll uncover methods that can help you significantly reduce your cloud storage costs and eliminate the Storage Tax.

Cloud Storage: Delivering on a performance priority

Recommendations to increase storage performance for both managed storage services such as EFS, Azure Files, and self-managed storage using a Cloud NAS.

Great Performing data in the Cloud Doesn't Need to Cost a Fortune

Move your on-premises data today with Buurst and learn how to remove obstacles that  prevent your organization from unlocking robust capabilities that position you for future growth.